Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Where Do I Work?

I was raised on a farm,
Woke up at dawn.
There was no alarm,
Those days are long gone.

I then moved to town,
Afraid of the traffic.
People all around,
Theaters were fantastic.

I worked for a designer
Who created great clothes.
None were there finer,
Though I couldn't afford those.

So I sewed my own,
Like my mother taught me,
A blue satin gown,
Pretty as could be.

I placed it on the rack
There was nowhere to go
Someone brought it back
The label didn't show.

I travelled on trains,
On buses, too,
Through snow and rain,
Deciding what to do.

Attended school here
Worked sometimes frantic,
Often studied there
Music was fantastic.

I think it is great
To work where I like
And sometimes create
Or ride on my bike.

Where do I work?
What do you see?
Every day is new,
I like to just be.

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