Wednesday, June 25, 2008


If something is to be organized, one is to assume it is first disorganized.
What may be chaos to one is order to another, and one has a choice of reconstructing, rebuilding, redesigning a pattern or organization, or continuing in accordance with a format previously established.
Organization requires agreement and continuity.
Reorganization implies a change of pattern.
If there is an agreement to reorganize, the agreement may or may not be a valid premise, as it is really a type of accepted disorganization, the combination of which is known only to a few.
An organization can survive if its leaders are not exposed.
If you want to know why a group thinks like it does, find the leader. Most often, the real leader is invisible. A strong leader has other people speaking for him, so he can survive.
As Ghandi said, "There go my people. I am their leader, therefore, I must follow them."

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